Jumat, 23 Desember 2016
Senin, 31 Oktober 2016
Prinsip-prinsip Etika IFAC, AICPA, IAI
Kode etik yang disusun oleh SPAP adalah kode etik International Federations of Accountants(IFAC) yang diterjemahkan, jadi kode etik ini bukan merupakan hal yang baru kemudian disesuaikan dengan IFAC, tetapi mengadopsi dari sumber IFAC. Jadi tidak ada perbedaaan yang signifikan antara kode etik SAP dan IFAC. Adopsi etika oleh Dewan SPAP tentu sejalan dengan misi para akuntan Indonesia untuk tidak jago kandang. Apalagi misi Federasi Akuntan Internasional seperti yang disebut konstitusi adalah melakukan pengembangan perbaikan secara global profesi akuntan dengan standard harmonis sehingga memberikan pelayanan dengan kualitas tinggi secara konsisten untuk kepentingan publik. Seorang anggota IFAC dan KAP tidak boleh menetapkan standar yang kurang tepat dibandingkan dengan aturan dalam kode etik ini. Akuntan profesional harus memahami perbedaaan aturan dan pedoman beberapa daerah juridiksi, kecuali dilarang oleh hukum atau perundang-undangan
Prinsip-prinsip Fundamental Etika IFAC :
- Seorang akuntan profesional harus bertindak tegas dan jujur dalam semua hubungan bisnis dan profesionalnya.
- Seorang akuntan profesional seharusnya tidak boleh membiarkan terjadinya bias, konflik kepentingan, atau dibawah penguruh orang lain sehinggamengesampingkan pertimbangan bisnis dan professional.
- Kompetensi profesional dan kehati-hatian. Seorang akuntan profesionalmempunyai kewajiban untuk memelihara pengetahuan dan keterampilan profesional secara berkelanjutan pada tingkat yang dipelukan untuk menjaminseorang klien atau atasan menerima jasa profesional yang kompeten yangdidasarkan atas perkembangan praktik, legislasi, dan teknik terkini. Seorangakntan profesional harus bekerja secara tekun serta mengikuti standar-standar profesional haus bekerja secara tekun serta mengikuti standar-standar profesionaldan teknik yang berlaku dalam memberikan jasa profesional.
- Seorang akuntan profesional harus menghormati kerhasiaaninformasi yang diperolehnya sebagai hasil dari hubungan profesional dan bisnisserta tidak boleh mengungapkan informasi apa pun kepada pihak ketiga tanpa izinyng enar dan spesifik, kecuali terdapat kewajiban hukum atau terdapat hak profesional untuk mengungkapkannya.
- Perilaku Profesional. Seorang akuntan profesional harus patuh pada hukum dan perundang-undangan yang relevan dan harus menghindari tindakan yang dapatmendiskreditkan profesi.
Kode etik profesi di definisikan sebagai pegangan umum yang mengikat setiap anggota, serta sutu pola bertindak yang berlaku bagi setiap anggota profesinya. Alasan utama diperlukannya tingkat tindakan profesional yang tinggi oleh setiap profesi adalah kebutuhan akan keyakinan publik atas kualitas layanan yang diberikan oleh profesi, tanpa memandang masing – masing individu yang menyediakan layanan tersebut.
Etika secara garis besar dapat didefinisikan sebagai serangkaian prinsip atau nilai moral. Setiap organisasi memiliki rangkaian nilai seperti itu, meskipun kita memperhatikan atau tidak memperhatikannya secara eksplisit. Kebutuhan akan etika dalam masyarakat cukup penting, sehingga banyak nilai etika yang umum dimasukkan ke dalam undang-undang.
Perilaku etika merupakan fondasi peradaban modern menggarisbawahi keberhasilan berfungsinya hampir setiap aspek masyarakat, dari kehidupan keluarga sehari-hari sampai hukum, kedokteran,dan bisnis. Etika (ethic) mengacu pada suatu sistem atau kode perilaku berdasarkan kewajiban moral yang menunjukkan bagaimana seorang individu harus berperilaku dalam masyarakat.
Perilaku etika juga merupakan fondasi profesionalisme modern. Profesionalisme didefinisikan secara luas, mengacu pada perilaku, tujuan, atau kualitas yang membentuk karakter atau member ciri suatu profesi atau orang-orang profesional. Seluruh profesi menyusun aturan atau kode perilakuyang mendefinisikan perilaku etika bagi anggota profesi tersebut. Kode perilaku profesional terdiri dari : Prinsip – prinsip, Peraturan Etika, Interpretasi atas Peraturan Etika dan Kaidah Etika.
Kode Perilaku Profesional AICPA terdiri atas dua bagian:
- Prinsip-prinsip Perilaku Profesional (Principles of Profesionnal Conduct); menyatakan tindak – tanduk dan perilaku ideal.
- Aturan Perilaku (Rules of Conduct); menentukan standar minimum.
Enam Prinsip-prinsip Perilaku Profesional:
- Tanggung jawab: Dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya sebagai profesional, anggota harus melaksanakan pertimbangan profesional dan moral dalam seluruh keluarga.
- Kepentingan publik: Anggota harus menerima kewajiban untuk bertindak dalam suatu cara yang akan melayani kepentingan publik, menghormati kepercayaan publik, dan menunjukkan komitmen pada profesionalisme.
- Integritas: Untuk mempertahankan dan memperluas keyakinan publik, anggota harus melaksanakan seluruh tanggung jawab profesional dengan perasaan integritas tinggi.
- Objektivitas dan Independesi: Anggota harus mempertahankan objektivitas dan bebas dari konflik penugasan dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab profesional.
- Kecermatan dan keseksamaan: Anggota harus mengamati standar teknis dan standar etik profesi.
- Lingkup dan sifat jasa: Anggota dalam praktik publik harus mengamati Prinsip prinsip Perilaku Profesional dalam menentukan lingkup dan sifat jasa yang akan diberikan.
Kode Etik Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dimaksudkan sebagai panduan dan aturan bagi seluruh anggota, baik yang berpraktik sebagai akuntan publik, bekerja di lingkungan dunia usaha, pada instansi pemerintah, maupun di lingkungan dunia pendidikan dalam pemenuhan tanggung-jawab profesionalnya aturan.
Tujuan profesi akuntansi adalah memenuhi tanggung-jawabnya dengan standar profesionalisme tertinggi, mencapai tingkat kinerja tertinggi, dengan orientasi kepada kepentingan publik. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut terdapat empat kebutuhan dasar yang harus dipenuhi, yaitu :
- Masyarakat membutuhkan kredibilitas informasi dan sistem informasi.
- Diperlukan individu yang dengan jelas dapat diidentifikasikan oleh pemakai jasa.
- Kualitas Jasa. Terdapatnya keyakinan bahwa semua jasa yang diperoleh dari akuntan diberikan dengan standar kinerja tertinggi.
- Pemakai jasa akuntan harus dapat merasa yakin bahwa terdapat kerangka etika profesional yang melandasi pemberian jasa oleh akuntan.
Kode etik adalah sistem norma, nilai dan aturan profesional tertulis yang secara tegas menyatakan apa yang benar dan baik, dan apa yang tidak benar dan tidak baik bagi profesional. Kode Etik Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia adalah aturan perilaku, etika akuntan dalam memenuhi tanggung jawab profesionalnya
Aturan etika IAI-KASP memuat tujuh prinsip-prinsip dasar perilaku etis auditor dan empat panduan umum lainnya berkenaan dengan perilaku etis tersebut.
Ketujuh prinsip dasar IAI tersebut adalah:
- Integritas
Integritas berkaitan dengan profesi auditor yang dapat dipercaya karena menjunjung tinggi kebenaran dan kejujuran. Integritas tidak hanya berupa kejujuran tetapi juga sifat dapat dipercaya, bertindak adil dan berdasarkan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh auditor ketika memunculkan keunggulan personal ketika memberikan layanan profesional kepada instansi tempat auditor bekerja dan kepada auditannya.
- Obyektivitas
Auditor yang obyektif adalah auditor yang tidak memihak sehingga independensi profesinya dapat dipertahankan. Dalam mengambil keputusan atau tindakan, ia tidak boleh bertindak atas dasar prasangka atau bias, pertentangan kepentingan, atau pengaruh dari pihak lain. Obyektivitas ini dipraktikkan ketika auditor mengambil keputusan-keputusan dalam kegiatan auditnya. Auditor yang obyektif adalah auditor yang mengambil keputusan berdasarkan seluruh bukti yang tersedia, dan bukannya karena pengaruh atau berdasarkan pendapat atau prasangka pribadi maupun tekanan dan pengaruh orang lain.
- Kompetensi dan Kehati-hatian
Agar dapat memberikan layanan audit yang berkualitas, auditor harus memiliki dan mempertahankan kompetensi dan ketekunan. Untuk itu auditor harus selalu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keahlian profesinya pada tingkat yang diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa instansi tempat ia bekerja atau auditan dapat menerima manfaat dari layanan profesinya berdasarkan pengembangan praktik, ketentuan, danteknik-teknik yang terbaru. Berdasarkan prinsip dasar ini, auditor hanya dapat melakukan suatu audit apabila ia memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan atau menggunakan bantuan tenaga ahli yang kompeten untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya secara memuaskan.
- Kerahasiaan
Auditor harus mampu menjaga kerahasiaan atas informasi yang diperolehnya dalam melakukan audit, walaupun keseluruhan proses audit mungkin harus dilakukan secara terbuka dan transparan. Informasi tersebut merupakan hak milik auditan, untuk itu auditor harus memperoleh persetujuan khusus apabila akan mengungkapkannya, kecuali adanya kewajiban pengungkapan karena peraturan perundang-undangan. Kerahasiaan ini harus dijaga sampai kapanpun bahkan ketika auditor telah berhenti bekerja pada instansinya. Dalam prinsip kerahasiaan ini juga, auditor dilarang untuk menggunakan informasi yang dimilikinya untuk kepentingan pribadinya, misalnya untuk memperoleh keuntungan finansial.
- Prinsip kerahasiaan tidak berlaku dalam situasi-situasi berikut:
Pengungkapan yang diijinkan oleh pihak yang berwenang, seperti auditan dan instansi tempat ia bekerja. Dalam melakukan pengungkapan ini, auditor harus mempertimbangkan kepentingan seluruh pihak, tidak hanya dirinya, auditan, instansinya saja, tetapi juga termasuk pihak-pihak lain yang mungkin terkena dampak dari pengungkapan informasi ini.
- Ketepatan Bertindak
Auditor harus dapat bertindak konsisten dalam mempertahankan reputasi profesi serta lembaga profesi akuntan sektor publik dan menahan diri dari setiap tindakan yang dapat mendiskreditkan lembaga profesi atau dirinya sebagai auditor profesional. Tindakan-tindakan yang tepat ini perlu dipromosikan melalui kepemimpinan dan keteladanan. Apabila auditor mengetahui ada auditor lain melakukan tindakan yang tidak benar, maka auditor tersebut harus mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk melindungi masyarakat, profesi, lembaga profesi, instansi tempat ia bekerja dan anggota profesi lainnya dari tindakan-tindakan auditor lain yang tidak benar tersebut.
- Standar teknis dan professional
Auditor harus melakukan audit sesuai dengan standar audit yang berlaku, yang meliputi standar teknis dan profesional yang relevan. Standar ini ditetapkan oleh Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Pada instansi-instansi audit publik, terdapat juga standar audit yang mereka tetapkan dan berlaku bagi para auditornya, termasuk aturan perilaku yang ditetapkan oleh instansi tempat ia bekerja. Dalam hal terdapat perbedaan dan/atau pertentangan antara standar audit dan aturan profesi dengan standar audit dan aturan instansi, maka permasalahannya dikembalikan kepada masing-masing lembaga penyusun standar dan aturan tersebut.
Sumber :
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016
Struktur fisik data perusahaan merupakan pertimbangan penting dalam merencanakan sistem perdistribusi. Untuk mengatasi hak ini, perencanaan memiliki 2 pilihan dasar yaitu basis data bisa dipusatkan atau didistribusikan. Basis data terdistribusi terdiri atas 2 kategori: basis data terpartisi dan basis data tereplikasi. Bagiab ini membahas isu,fitur, dan pertukaran yang perlu di evaluasi dalam memutuskan disposisi basis data.
Pendekatan pertama melibatkan penempatan dapat pada lokasi pusat. Unit-unit TI di lokasi yang terpisah mengirim permintaan data ke lokasi pusat, yang memproses permintaan dan mengirim data kembali ke unit TI yang memintanya. Lokasi pusat melaksanakan fungsi sebagai manajer file yang melayani kebutuhan data dari unit-unit TI. Tujuan dasar dari pendekatan basis data adalah untuk memelihara kekinian data.
Kekinian Data dalam Lingkungan DDP
Selama pemrosesan data, saldo akun melewati keadaan inkonsistensi sementara dimana nilai-nilainya dinyatakan dengan tidak tepat. Hal ini terjadi ketika transaksi dilaksanakan. Untuk mengikustrasikannya, pertimbangakb logika komputer untuk mencatat penjualan kredit sebesar $2000 ke pelanggan bernama jones.
Basis Data Terpusat
START AR-Jones AR-Control
1. Baca Akun AR-SUB (jones) 1500
2. Baca Akun AR-Control 10000
3. Tulis Akun AR-SUB(Jones) + $2000 3500
4. Tulis Akun AR-Control + $2000 12000
Segera setelah pelaksanaan instruksi nomor 3, dan sebelum pelaksanaan intruksi nomor 4, nilai akun AR-Control tidak konsisten selama beberapa saat karena jumlah $2000. Setelah seluruh transaksi selesai, inkonsistensi baru teratasi. Dalam lingkungan DDP, inkonsistensi temporer ini dapat mengakibatkan korupsi data. Untuk mengilustrasikan potensi kerusakan, lihat contoh yang agak lebih rumit. Dengan menggunakan logika komputer yang sama dengan sebelumnya. Pertimbangkan pemrosesan dua transaksi berbeda dari dua unit TI: Transaksi 1 (T1) adalah penjualan sebesar $2000 pada akun ke pelanggan bernama jones dari unit TI di lokasi A: Transaksi 2 (T2) adalah penjualan seesar $1000 pada akun ke pelanggan bernama smith dari unit TI di situs B/ Logika berikut ini menunjukan kemungkinan tumpang tindih dari kedua tugas pemrosesan ini dan kemungkinan pengaruhnya terhadap kekinian data.
START AR-Jones AR-Control
1. Baca Akun AR-SUB (jones) 1500
2. Baca Akun AR-Control 10000
3. Tulis Akun AR-SUB(Jones) + $2000 3500
4. Tulis Akun AR-Control + $2000 12000
Segera setelah pelaksanaan instruksi nomor 3, dan sebelum pelaksanaan intruksi nomor 4, nilai akun AR-Control tidak konsisten selama beberapa saat karena jumlah $2000. Setelah seluruh transaksi selesai, inkonsistensi baru teratasi. Dalam lingkungan DDP, inkonsistensi temporer ini dapat mengakibatkan korupsi data. Untuk mengilustrasikan potensi kerusakan, lihat contoh yang agak lebih rumit. Dengan menggunakan logika komputer yang sama dengan sebelumnya. Pertimbangkan pemrosesan dua transaksi berbeda dari dua unit TI: Transaksi 1 (T1) adalah penjualan sebesar $2000 pada akun ke pelanggan bernama jones dari unit TI di lokasi A: Transaksi 2 (T2) adalah penjualan seesar $1000 pada akun ke pelanggan bernama smith dari unit TI di situs B/ Logika berikut ini menunjukan kemungkinan tumpang tindih dari kedua tugas pemrosesan ini dan kemungkinan pengaruhnya terhadap kekinian data.
Situs Pusat
A B Jones Smith Control
1 Baca akun AR-SUB (Jones) 1500
1 Baca akun AR-SUB (Smith) 3000
2 Baca akun AR-Control 10000
3 Tulis akun AR- SUB (Jones) + $2000 3500
2 Baca akun AR-Control 10000
4 Tulis akun AR-Control + $2000 12000
3 Tulis akun AR-SUB (Smith) + $1000 4000
4 Tulis akun AR-Control + $1000 11000
Perhatikan bahwa TI Unit B menahan nilai data AR-Control sebesar $10000 ketika keadaanya tidak konsisten. Dengan menggunakan nilai ini untuk memproses transaksi, TI unit: B menghapus Transaksi T1, yang telah diproses oleh T1 unit A. Dengan Demikian, saldo AR- Control yang baru menunjukan kesalahan karena jumlahnya $11000, bukan $13000. Untuk mencapai kekinian data, akses simultan ke elemen data individual oleh beberapa unti TI harus dicegah, solusi terhadap masalah ini adalah dengan menerapkan penguncian basis data (database lockout), yang merupakan pengendalian peranti lunak (biasanya merupakan fungsi dari DBMS) yang mencegah beberapa akses simultan ke data.
Situs Pusat
A B Jones Smith Control
1 Baca akun AR-SUB (Jones) 1500
1 Baca akun AR-SUB (Smith) 3000
2 Baca akun AR-Control 10000
3 Tulis akun AR- SUB (Jones) + $2000 3500
2 Baca akun AR-Control 10000
4 Tulis akun AR-Control + $2000 12000
3 Tulis akun AR-SUB (Smith) + $1000 4000
4 Tulis akun AR-Control + $1000 11000
Perhatikan bahwa TI Unit B menahan nilai data AR-Control sebesar $10000 ketika keadaanya tidak konsisten. Dengan menggunakan nilai ini untuk memproses transaksi, TI unit: B menghapus Transaksi T1, yang telah diproses oleh T1 unit A. Dengan Demikian, saldo AR- Control yang baru menunjukan kesalahan karena jumlahnya $11000, bukan $13000. Untuk mencapai kekinian data, akses simultan ke elemen data individual oleh beberapa unti TI harus dicegah, solusi terhadap masalah ini adalah dengan menerapkan penguncian basis data (database lockout), yang merupakan pengendalian peranti lunak (biasanya merupakan fungsi dari DBMS) yang mencegah beberapa akses simultan ke data.
Basis Data Terpartisi
Pendekatan basis data terpartisi membagi basis data pusat menjadi beberapa segmen atau partisi yang terdistribusi kepengguna utamanya. Keuntungan pendekatan ini adalah •penyimpanan cara di lokasi lokal akan meningkatkan pengendalian pengguna.
•waktu respon pemrosesan transaksi menjadi lebih baik karena memungkinkan adanya akses lokal kedata dan mengurangi volume data yang harus dikirim antar unit TI.
• basis terpartisi bisa mengurangi potensi dampak bencana. Dengan menempatkan data dibeberapa lokasi, kehilangan pada 1 unit TI tidak akan menghentikan semua pemrosesan data di perusahaan.
Fenomena Jalan Buntu. Dalam lingkungan terdistribusi, beberapa situs bisa saling mengunci dari basis data, sehingga menghalangi pemrosesan transaksi.
Resolusi Jalan Buntu. Untuk mengatasi adanya jalan buntu, biasanya satu atau beberapa transkasi harus dihentikan untuk menyelesaikan pemrosesan transaksi lainnya. Transaksi yang dihentikan kemudian harus diulangi. Dalam melaksanakan kembali transaksi yang telah dihentikan, peranti lunak resolusi jalan buntu berusaha meminimalkan biaya total untuk mengatasi jalan buntu ini. Beberapa faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam keputusan ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Sumber daya yang saat ini diinvestasikan dalam transaksi
2. Tahap penyelesaian transaksi
3. Jumlah jalan buntu yang berkaitan dengan transaksi
Basis Data Tereplikasi
Basis data tereplikasi efektif pada perusahaan yang memiliki tingkat pembagian data yang tinggi namun tidak memiliki pengguna utama. Justifikasi utama untuk basis data tereplikasi adalah untuk mendukung permintaan yang hanya bisa di baca. Masalah dengan pendekatan ini adalah pemeliharan versi terbaru dari basis data disetiap lokasi. Karena setiap unit TI hanya memproses transaksinya, data umum yang direplikasi disetiap lokasi dipengaruhi oleh berbagai transaksi dan mencerminkan nilai yang berbeda-beda. Kebersamaan basis data adalah adanya data yang lengkap dan akurat di semua lokasi pengguna. Metode yang umum digunakan untuk pengendalian bersama adalah mengurutkan transaksi dengan penanda waktu. Metode ini mencakup pemberian label ke setiap transaksi dengan dua kriteria. Pertama peranti lunak khusus mengelompokan transaksi ke dalam kelas-kelas untuk mengidentifikasi konflik-konflik yang mungkin terjadi. Misalnya, transaksi(permintaan data) yang habya untuk dibaca tidak berkonflik dengan kelas-kelas lainnya dalam transaksi. Bagian kedua dari proses pengendalian adalah untuk memberikan oenanda waktu ke setiap transaksi. Setiap penanda waktu dibuat ubik dengan nomer ID lokasi. Metode ini memungkinkan transaksi yang saling terkait untuk diproses disetiap situs akan dilaksanakan secara berurutan.
Metode Distribusi Basis Data dan Akuntan
Keputusan untuk mendistribusikan basis data adalah sesuatu yang harus dimasukan dengan pertimbangan yang matang. Ada banyak isu dan pertukaran yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang perlu dijawab.
1. Apakah data perusahaan lebih baik dibuat terpusat atau terdistribusi?
2. Jika data terdistribusi yabg lebih diinginkan, apakah basis data lebihbaik dibuat tereplikasi atau terpartisi?
3. Jika tereplikasi, apakah basis data perlu direplikasi secara total atau parsial?
4. Jika basis data dipartisi, bagaimana segmen-segmen data sebaiknya dialokasikan antar lokasi?
Pilihan-pilihan yang ada dalam setiap pertanyaan ini akan berdampak pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk memelihara integritas data
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016
Istilah etika berasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno. Bentuk tunggalnya adalah ethosyang berarti kebiasaan/ adat, akhlak , watak , perasaaan , sikap, dan cara berfikir. Sedang kan bentuk jamaknya adalah yaitu ta etha yang berarti adat kebiasaan. Profesi sendiri berasal dari bahasa latin “proffesio” yang mempunyai dua arti yaitu janji/ikrar dan pekerjaan.
Etika profesi adalah sikap etis sebagai bagian integral dari sikap hidup dalam menjalankan kehidupan sebagai pengemban profesi. Sedangkan , etika bisnis adalah perilaku etis atau tidaknya yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin, manager, karyawan, agen, atau perwakilan suatu perusahaan.
Menurut Caux Round Table (dalam Alois A. Nugroho, 2001)
- Tanggung jawab bisnis : tujuannya menciptakana kemakmuran masyarakat dan kepentingan pemegang saham.
- Dampak ekonomis dan social dari bisnis : kegiatan bisnis yang tidak semata mencari keuntungan tapi juga didasarkan atas inovasi dan keadilan.
- Perilaku bisnis : pentingnya membangun sikap kebersamaan dan sikap saling percaya .
- Sikpa menghormati aturan : perlunya aturan yang berlaku secara multilateral dan dharapkan semua pihak mematuhi aturan tersebut.
- Dukungan bagi perdagangan multilateral : mendukung perdagangan global dalam mewujudkan suatu kesatuan ekonomi dunia .
- Sikap hormat bagi lingkungan : menjaga lingkungan bumi dan alam dari tindakan mencemarkan dan merusak lingkungan hidup.
- Menghindari operasi-operasi yang tidak etis : diwajibkan untuk mencegah tidakan etis seperti penyuapan, pencucian uang, korupsi , dan sebagainya.
Menurut Sonny Keraf (1998)
- Prinsip otonom
- Prinsip kejujuran
- Prinsip keadilan
- Prinsip saling menguntungkan
- Prinsip integritas moral
Adapun tujuan nya adalah untuk menjalankan dan menciptakan sebuah bisnis seadil mungkin serta menyesuaikan hukum yang sudah dibuat serta menghilangkan ketergantungan pada sebuah kedudukan perusahaan/individu.
Etika memiliki peran sebagai landasan untuk membentuk sebuah perusahaan yang sangan kokoh dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi, dimana proses ini dimulai dari perencanaan stategi, organisasi yang baik . system prosedur yang transaparan didukung oleh budaya perusahaan yang handal serta etika perusahaan yang dilaksanakan secara konsisten dam konsekuen.
Etika Profesi Akuntansi adalah ilmu yang membahas perilaku perbuatan baik dan buruk manusi sejauh yang dapat dipahami oleh pikiran manusiaterhadapa pekerjaan yang membutuhkan pelatihan dan pengusaaan terhadap suatu pengetahuan khusus sebagai akuntan.
- Tanggung Jawab Profesi : anggota harus mempertimabangkan moral dan juga professional didalam semua kegiatan yang dilakukan .
- Kepentingan Publik : memberikan pelayanan dan menghormati kepercayaan yang diberikan public , serta menunjukan komitmennya segaiai professional.
- Integritas : setiap anggota wajib memenuhi tanggung jawabnya sebagai professional dengan tingkat intergritas yang setinggi mungkin .
- Obyektivitas : setiap anggota wajin untuk menjaga tingkat ke-obyektivitas-nya.
- Kompetensi dan sifat kehati-hatian professional : anggota wajib menjalankan jasa professional dengan kehati-hatian , kompetensi dan ketekunan.
- Kerahasiaan : anngota harus menghormati kerahasiaan informasi selama melakasanakan professional.
Etika dalam auditing adalah suatu proses yang sistematis untuk memperoleh serta mengevaluasi buksi secara objekitf mengenai asersi- asersi kegiatan ekonomi dengan tujuan menetapkan derajat kesesuaian antara asersi tersebut serta penyempaian hasilnya kepada pihak yang berkepentingan .
Adapun tanggung jawab auditor :
- Perencanaan, pengendalian dan pencatatan atas pekerjaannya.
- Megetahui tnetang sistem akuntansi
- Memperoleh bukti audit yang relevan.
- Mengevaluasi pengendalian intern.
- Meninjau ulang laporan keuangan
Tiga aspek indepensi seorang auditor yaitu :
- Independensi dalam fakta : auditor harus mempunyai kejujuran yang tinggi kertekaitan dengan objektivitas.
- Independensi dalam penampilan : pandangan pihak lain terhadap diri auditor sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan audit
- Independensi dari sudut keahliannya : independensi dari sudut keahlian terkait erat dengan kecakapan professional auditor.
Adapun prinsip etika profesinal auditor :
- Tanggung Jawab Profesi
- Kepentingan Publik
- Integritas
- Objektivitas
- Kompetensi dan kehati-hatian profesional
- Kerahasiaan.
- Perilaku Profesional .
- Teguran Tertulis
- Usulan pembrehentian dari tim audit.
- Tidak diberi penugadan audit selama jangka waktu tertentu.
- Pengenaan sanksi terhadap pelanggaran kode etik oleh pimpinan APIP dilakukan sesuia dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Sumber :
- http://niaveby.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/etika-dalam-auditing.html
- https://www.academia.edu/5346009/Auditing_-_pelanggaran_kode_etik_dan_analisis
- http://nichonotes.blogspot.co.id/2015/01/etika-profesi-akuntansi-kode-etik.html
- http://lollipop46.blogspot.co.id/2015/02/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo_13.html
- https://yanhasiholan.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/pengertian-etika-profesi-dan-etika-profesi/
- https://www.academia.edu/23757895/Etika_Profesi_Dalam_Dunia_Bisnis?auto=download
Selasa, 24 Mei 2016
Reported speech
Reported speech or commonly referred to as direct and indirect speech is the phrase used to convey what others say. In English we have a special rule in direct sentences into indirect
change both in terms of tenses, subject, and time information as we
discussed in the materials Reported speech before.
Well, on this occasion we will give all the KBI friend Reported speech collection of example sentences in the present tense which in its indirect speech we will change it to the past tense. Immediately, we both consider the following sentence:Example Sentences Reported Speech Present Tense English Language and Meaning
Direct speech:
Budi told us, "I have to go now"
Budi told us, "I have to go now"
Indirect speech:
Budi of toll to us that he had to go then.
Budi told us that she had to go at that time.
Direct speech:
Anita said, "I work in an Indonesian company."
Anita said, "I worked in a company in Indonesia."
Indirect speech:
Anita said that she worked in an Indonesian company.
Anita said that she worked in a bank.
Direct speech:
My mother asked me, "Where are you last night?"
My mother asked me, "Where I was last night?"
Indirect speech:
My mother asked me where I was that night.
My mother asked me where I was that night.
Direct speech:
They said, "We are the young generation."
They said, "We are the young generation."
Indirect speech:
They said that they were the young generation.
They say that they are young.
Direct speech:
Beautifully said, "I am happy now"
Beautifully said, "I'm happy today"
Indirect Speech:
Indah said that she was happy then.
Indah said that he was happy at the time.
Direct speech:
I told my father, "I can fix this motorcycle soon."
I told my father, "I can fix this bike soon".
Indirect speech:
I told to my father that I could fix that motorcycle Immediately.
I told my father that I could fix the bike immediately.
* Note: However, if the sentences are simple present direct speech reporting verb is at her, then tenses are used unchanged. But we just simply change the personal pronoun and time alone. To be more details, let us look at the following example:
Direct speech:
Beni Tells Desi, "I love you so much."
Beni tells Desi, "I love you."
Indirect speech:
Beni of toll to Daisy that he loves her so much.
Beni tells Desi that she loved him very much.
Direct speech:
Budiman says, "I have two brothers and one sister."
Budiman said, "I have two brothers and one sister."
Indirect speech:
Budiman said that he has two brothers and one sister.
Budiman said that he had two brothers and one sister.
Direct Speech:
My mother says, "This flower needs to be watering frequently"
My mother said, "This flower needs often watered."
Indirect Speech:
My mother said that flower that needs to be watering frequently.
My mother said that it took a flower often watered.
Those are some examples of sentences Reported speech English present tense we can provide. May be useful. Thank you!
Well, on this occasion we will give all the KBI friend Reported speech collection of example sentences in the present tense which in its indirect speech we will change it to the past tense. Immediately, we both consider the following sentence:Example Sentences Reported Speech Present Tense English Language and Meaning
Direct speech:
Budi told us, "I have to go now"
Budi told us, "I have to go now"
Indirect speech:
Budi of toll to us that he had to go then.
Budi told us that she had to go at that time.
Direct speech:
Anita said, "I work in an Indonesian company."
Anita said, "I worked in a company in Indonesia."
Indirect speech:
Anita said that she worked in an Indonesian company.
Anita said that she worked in a bank.
Direct speech:
My mother asked me, "Where are you last night?"
My mother asked me, "Where I was last night?"
Indirect speech:
My mother asked me where I was that night.
My mother asked me where I was that night.
Direct speech:
They said, "We are the young generation."
They said, "We are the young generation."
Indirect speech:
They said that they were the young generation.
They say that they are young.
Direct speech:
Beautifully said, "I am happy now"
Beautifully said, "I'm happy today"
Indirect Speech:
Indah said that she was happy then.
Indah said that he was happy at the time.
Direct speech:
I told my father, "I can fix this motorcycle soon."
I told my father, "I can fix this bike soon".
Indirect speech:
I told to my father that I could fix that motorcycle Immediately.
I told my father that I could fix the bike immediately.
* Note: However, if the sentences are simple present direct speech reporting verb is at her, then tenses are used unchanged. But we just simply change the personal pronoun and time alone. To be more details, let us look at the following example:
Direct speech:
Beni Tells Desi, "I love you so much."
Beni tells Desi, "I love you."
Indirect speech:
Beni of toll to Daisy that he loves her so much.
Beni tells Desi that she loved him very much.
Direct speech:
Budiman says, "I have two brothers and one sister."
Budiman said, "I have two brothers and one sister."
Indirect speech:
Budiman said that he has two brothers and one sister.
Budiman said that he had two brothers and one sister.
Direct Speech:
My mother says, "This flower needs to be watering frequently"
My mother said, "This flower needs often watered."
Indirect Speech:
My mother said that flower that needs to be watering frequently.
My mother said that it took a flower often watered.
Those are some examples of sentences Reported speech English present tense we can provide. May be useful. Thank you!
Jumat, 13 Mei 2016
Elliptical Sentences
Elliptical sentence ( sentence ellipse ) is a combination of two different words but the same subject predicate, and is used to prevent the repetition of the word . The use of elliptic sentence aims to deliver a statement in a simple and at the same time avoid repeating the same sentence elements .
In elliptic sentences , commonly used words too , so , either , Neither , but with the auxiliary verb .
1. Elip wording used too and so
Elip sentence structures that use too and so , is used to combine two positive sentences that have the same predicate ( including objects with complementary )
The pattern of the sentence :
... . ( + ) ... . , And + subject + auxiliary + too
... . ( + ) ... . , And + so + auxiliary + subject
Note :
The auxiliary verb ( auxiliary verb ) , as used herein should be adjusted to shape the time of the first sentence . The position of the word too is always located behind the auxiliary verb , whereas the layout so always at the beginning of the auxiliary verb .
Examples of its use in a sentence in English :
- She studies English everyday | saya belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari
- I study English everyday | saya belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari
Sentence ellipse :
- She studies English everyday, and I am too | dia belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari, dan saya juga
- She studies English everyday, and so am I | dia belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari, dan saya juga
- I bought a dictionary yesterday | saya membeli sebuah kamus kemarin
- Joni bought a dictionary yesterday | Joni membeli sebuah kamus kemarin
Sentence ellipse :
- I bought a dictionary yesterday, and Joni did too | saya membeli sebuah kamus kemarin, dan Joni juga
- I bought a dictionary yesterday, and so did Joni | saya membeli sebuah kamus kemarin, dan Joni juga
2. Elip sentence structure using either and Neither
Elip sentence structures that use either and Neither , used to join two pieces of the same negative sentence predicate ( including objects and captions or complementary ) .
The pattern of the sentence :
…. (-) …., and + subyek + auxiliary + not + either
…. (-) …., and + neither + auxiliary + subyek
Note :
The auxiliary verb used must be adapted to form a first sentence . The layout is either behind the auxiliary verb , whereas Neither location is before the auxiliary verb . Neither no need for additional notes on the back of her auxiliary verb because the shape Neither comes from "no + either "
Examples of its use in a sentence in English :
- I didn’t go to school yesterday | saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin
- He didn’t go to school yesterday | dia tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin
Sentence ellipse :
- I didn’t go to school yesterday, and he didn’t either | saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin, dan dia juga
- I didn’t go to school yesterday, and neither did he | saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin, dan dia juga
- Tracy doesn’t have breakfast at seven | tracy tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh
- I don’t have breakfast at seven | saya tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh
Sentence ellipse :
- Tracy doesn’t have breakfast at seven, and I don’t either | tracy tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh, dan saya juga
- Tracy doesn’t have breakfast at seven, and neither do I |tracy tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh, dan saya juga
3. Elip wording used but
Elip sentence structures that use but , used to combine two sentences have the opposite predicate ( one positive and one negative )
The pattern of the sentence :
…. (+) …., but + subyek + auxiliary + not
…. (+) …., but + subyek + auxiliary
Note :
The auxiliary verb used must be adapted to form a first sentence . If the first sentence in the form of positive , then its auxiliary must be coupled with a "not " . Meanwhile, if the first sentence is negative, then the auxiliary its not necessary to add "not " .
Examples of its use in a sentence in English :
- They come here | mereka datang kesini
- She doesn’t come here | dia tidak datang kesini
Sentence ellipse :
- They come here, and she doesn’t | mereka datang kesini, dan dia tidak
- He doesn’t work hard | dia tidak bekerja keras
- I work hard | saya bekerja keras
Sentence ellipse :
- He doesn’t work hard, but I do | dia tidak bekerja keras, tetapi saya bekerja keras
In elliptic sentences , commonly used words too , so , either , Neither , but with the auxiliary verb .
1. Elip wording used too and so
Elip sentence structures that use too and so , is used to combine two positive sentences that have the same predicate ( including objects with complementary )
The pattern of the sentence :
... . ( + ) ... . , And + subject + auxiliary + too
... . ( + ) ... . , And + so + auxiliary + subject
Note :
The auxiliary verb ( auxiliary verb ) , as used herein should be adjusted to shape the time of the first sentence . The position of the word too is always located behind the auxiliary verb , whereas the layout so always at the beginning of the auxiliary verb .
Examples of its use in a sentence in English :
- She studies English everyday | saya belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari
- I study English everyday | saya belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari
Sentence ellipse :
- She studies English everyday, and I am too | dia belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari, dan saya juga
- She studies English everyday, and so am I | dia belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari, dan saya juga
- I bought a dictionary yesterday | saya membeli sebuah kamus kemarin
- Joni bought a dictionary yesterday | Joni membeli sebuah kamus kemarin
Sentence ellipse :
- I bought a dictionary yesterday, and Joni did too | saya membeli sebuah kamus kemarin, dan Joni juga
- I bought a dictionary yesterday, and so did Joni | saya membeli sebuah kamus kemarin, dan Joni juga
2. Elip sentence structure using either and Neither
Elip sentence structures that use either and Neither , used to join two pieces of the same negative sentence predicate ( including objects and captions or complementary ) .
The pattern of the sentence :
…. (-) …., and + subyek + auxiliary + not + either
…. (-) …., and + neither + auxiliary + subyek
Note :
The auxiliary verb used must be adapted to form a first sentence . The layout is either behind the auxiliary verb , whereas Neither location is before the auxiliary verb . Neither no need for additional notes on the back of her auxiliary verb because the shape Neither comes from "no + either "
Examples of its use in a sentence in English :
- I didn’t go to school yesterday | saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin
- He didn’t go to school yesterday | dia tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin
Sentence ellipse :
- I didn’t go to school yesterday, and he didn’t either | saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin, dan dia juga
- I didn’t go to school yesterday, and neither did he | saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin, dan dia juga
- Tracy doesn’t have breakfast at seven | tracy tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh
- I don’t have breakfast at seven | saya tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh
Sentence ellipse :
- Tracy doesn’t have breakfast at seven, and I don’t either | tracy tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh, dan saya juga
- Tracy doesn’t have breakfast at seven, and neither do I |tracy tidak makan pagi pada jam tujuh, dan saya juga
3. Elip wording used but
Elip sentence structures that use but , used to combine two sentences have the opposite predicate ( one positive and one negative )
The pattern of the sentence :
…. (+) …., but + subyek + auxiliary + not
…. (+) …., but + subyek + auxiliary
Note :
The auxiliary verb used must be adapted to form a first sentence . If the first sentence in the form of positive , then its auxiliary must be coupled with a "not " . Meanwhile, if the first sentence is negative, then the auxiliary its not necessary to add "not " .
Examples of its use in a sentence in English :
- They come here | mereka datang kesini
- She doesn’t come here | dia tidak datang kesini
Sentence ellipse :
- They come here, and she doesn’t | mereka datang kesini, dan dia tidak
- He doesn’t work hard | dia tidak bekerja keras
- I work hard | saya bekerja keras
Sentence ellipse :
- He doesn’t work hard, but I do | dia tidak bekerja keras, tetapi saya bekerja keras
Jumat, 06 Mei 2016
Telling about my plans
I have three things that I will do after my graduation. First, I will find a job and also try to find scholarship for my S2. I want to work in a place or in a department that is appropriate with my skill, for example in an accounting. And then I want to go to New York and Mexico to continue my study for S2. Second, I will get married and try to make a beautiful family. I will try to be faithful to my husband and also try to be a good mother for my children. Last, I will give a present to my beloved parent. I will take them to go to Mecca and do the pilgrimage together. I think that’s all my plans after I graduate. Amien
Senin, 18 April 2016
conditional + if
Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.
Conditional Sentence Type 1
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
Conditional Sentence Type 2
→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
Conditional Sentence Type 3
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
Conditional Sentence Type 1
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
Conditional Sentence Type 2
→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
Conditional Sentence Type 3
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
NegativeIf + Past Perfect Tense, + S + Would/should/could/might + Have + Verb3 (Past participle)
S + Would/should/could/might + Have + Verb3 (Past participle) + If + Past Perfect Tense if + condition
Example :
- If I had studied, I would have passed the exams.
- If I had studied, I could have passed the exams.
- If I had studied, I might have passed the exams.
- I would have passed the exams if I had studied.
- I could have passed the exams if I had studied.
- I might have passed the exams if I had studied.
Negative if + condition
The formula : if ... not can be replaced with UNLESS .
Examples of conditional sentence : if ... not and UNLESS :
Using the formula if negative , conditional sentence examples as below .
If the students do not understand , they will raise Reviews their hand to ask .
Unless the students understand , they will raise Reviews their hand to ask . ( If students do not understand , they will raise their hands to ask. )
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
S + Would/should/could/might + Have + Verb3 (Past participle) + If + Past Perfect Tense if + condition
Example :
- If I had studied, I would have passed the exams.
- If I had studied, I could have passed the exams.
- If I had studied, I might have passed the exams.
- I would have passed the exams if I had studied.
- I could have passed the exams if I had studied.
- I might have passed the exams if I had studied.
Negative if + condition
The formula : if ... not can be replaced with UNLESS .
Examples of conditional sentence : if ... not and UNLESS :
Using the formula if negative , conditional sentence examples as below .
If the students do not understand , they will raise Reviews their hand to ask .
Unless the students understand , they will raise Reviews their hand to ask . ( If students do not understand , they will raise their hands to ask. )
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
Kamis, 14 April 2016
Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the plural countable noun.
Singular Plural
One dog Two dogs
One horse Two horses
One man Two men
One idea Two ideas
One shop Two shops
* She has three dogs.
* I own a house.
* I would like two books please.
* How many friends do you have?
Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They may be the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too amorphous to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.). Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form.
tea ,sugar, water, air, rice, knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love, money, research, safety, evidence.
We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of an uncountable noun, use a word or expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , or else use an exact measurement like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of. If you want to ask about the quantity of an uncountable noun, you ask "How much?"
* There has been a lot of researchinto the causes of this disease.
* He gave me a great deal of advicebefore my interview.
* Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?
* He did not have much sugar left.
* Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
* How much rice do you want?
Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the plural countable noun.
Singular Plural
One dog Two dogs
One horse Two horses
One man Two men
One idea Two ideas
One shop Two shops
* She has three dogs.
* I own a house.
* I would like two books please.
* How many friends do you have?
Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They may be the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too amorphous to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.). Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form.
tea ,sugar, water, air, rice, knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love, money, research, safety, evidence.
We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of an uncountable noun, use a word or expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , or else use an exact measurement like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of. If you want to ask about the quantity of an uncountable noun, you ask "How much?"
* There has been a lot of researchinto the causes of this disease.
* He gave me a great deal of advicebefore my interview.
* Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?
* He did not have much sugar left.
* Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
* How much rice do you want?
Jumat, 08 April 2016
tell about my experience
Bad Shopping Experience in My Life
I had a bad experience when I did shopping because of the shop assistant’s fault. However, the security officer of the shop really embarrassed me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.
That was on Sunday afternoon. I went to a fashion shop with my friends. I chose a pair of blue jeans to buy and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless. She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped. The security officer shouted at me, “Hey, you…! Stop!!” Then, he took me to the manager’s room.
After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault. They said they were very sorry about what had happened. Finally, the manager asked me to take one piece of clothing for free.
Oh really bad experience for me but i'm so happy because i got free blue jeans...yeeaahhh!!!
I had a bad experience when I did shopping because of the shop assistant’s fault. However, the security officer of the shop really embarrassed me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.
That was on Sunday afternoon. I went to a fashion shop with my friends. I chose a pair of blue jeans to buy and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless. She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped. The security officer shouted at me, “Hey, you…! Stop!!” Then, he took me to the manager’s room.
After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault. They said they were very sorry about what had happened. Finally, the manager asked me to take one piece of clothing for free.
Oh really bad experience for me but i'm so happy because i got free blue jeans...yeeaahhh!!!
Jumat, 25 Maret 2016
pengertian pronouns, jenis-jenisnya dan contohnya
Pronoun is a word used to replace the noun ( noun ), which can be a person , object , animal , place , or an abstract concept . Pronouns is one of the eight parts of speech .
Various Kinds Example Sentences Noun :
1.Personal pronoun (I, you, they, we, she, he, it, us, her, his, them, mine, yours, its)
Pronoun for people , animals , objects, or things specifically . The form of the pronoun depending on the role (subject, object , possessive ) , the amount , the ke- , and gender of the noun that was replaced .
Example :
She prefers to brisk walk to jog.
(Dia lebih memilih jalan cepat daripada joging.)
Yours is on the table.
(Punyamu di atas meja.)
2. Demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these, those)
Pronoun use parameter number ( quantity ) and distance ( distance ) .
Example :
This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
(Ini buku paling menarik yang saya pernah baca.)
3. Interrogative pronoun (who, what, which, whose, whom, etc)
Pronouns are used to ask questions.
Example :
Who is that man?
(Siapa lelaki itu?)
4. Relative pronoun (who, whose, which, whom, that, etc)
Pronouns are usually initiated relative clause .
Example :
The packet, which was sent a week ago, has received.
(Paket tersebut, yang dikirim seminggu lalu, telah diterima.)
5. Indefinite pronoun (anything, everything, none, someone, something, etc)
Pronoun for people, objects , or things in general or specific.
Example :
You did everything right.
(Kamu melakukan semuanya dengan benar.)
6. Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, itself, youselves, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves )
Pronouns are used to indicate that the subject receives the action of the verb ( reciprocal action) in a clause or sentence .
Example :
I‘m going to buy myself new jeans.
(Saya akan membeli celana jins.)
7. Intensive prounoun (same with reflexive pronoun)
Pronouns are used to give emphasis on the noun that precedes it .
Example :
I myself promise not to corrupt the project.
(Saya berjanji tidak akan mengorupsi proyek tersebut.)
8. Reciprocal pronoun (each other, one another)
Pronouns used in circumstances where two or more subjects perform the same actions with one another .
Example :
They love each other.
(Mereka saling mencintai.)
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement :
a rapprochement between pronoun and antecedent in terms of number , person, and gender . What is the antecedent ? that is the word , phrase , or clause is replaced by a pronoun . This agreement is of course necessary if there are two of them in a sentence .
Example :
You should take off your shoes there. (Kamu harus melepas sepatumu di sana.) [antecedent,pronoun]
Expletive Pronoun (There & It) :
an " empty words " or words that do not add meaning , but it is useful to give emphasis on certain parts of a sentence . There / it be used together to form expletive verb construction .
Example :
There is no food in my house. (Tidak ada makanan di rumahku.)
It was easy to meet him. (Dulu mudah bertemu dengannya.)
Pronoun is a word used to replace the noun ( noun ), which can be a person , object , animal , place , or an abstract concept . Pronouns is one of the eight parts of speech .
Various Kinds Example Sentences Noun :
1.Personal pronoun (I, you, they, we, she, he, it, us, her, his, them, mine, yours, its)
Pronoun for people , animals , objects, or things specifically . The form of the pronoun depending on the role (subject, object , possessive ) , the amount , the ke- , and gender of the noun that was replaced .
Example :
She prefers to brisk walk to jog.
(Dia lebih memilih jalan cepat daripada joging.)
Yours is on the table.
(Punyamu di atas meja.)
2. Demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these, those)
Pronoun use parameter number ( quantity ) and distance ( distance ) .
Example :
This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
(Ini buku paling menarik yang saya pernah baca.)
3. Interrogative pronoun (who, what, which, whose, whom, etc)
Pronouns are used to ask questions.
Example :
Who is that man?
(Siapa lelaki itu?)
4. Relative pronoun (who, whose, which, whom, that, etc)
Pronouns are usually initiated relative clause .
Example :
The packet, which was sent a week ago, has received.
(Paket tersebut, yang dikirim seminggu lalu, telah diterima.)
5. Indefinite pronoun (anything, everything, none, someone, something, etc)
Pronoun for people, objects , or things in general or specific.
Example :
You did everything right.
(Kamu melakukan semuanya dengan benar.)
6. Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, itself, youselves, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves )
Pronouns are used to indicate that the subject receives the action of the verb ( reciprocal action) in a clause or sentence .
Example :
I‘m going to buy myself new jeans.
(Saya akan membeli celana jins.)
7. Intensive prounoun (same with reflexive pronoun)
Pronouns are used to give emphasis on the noun that precedes it .
Example :
I myself promise not to corrupt the project.
(Saya berjanji tidak akan mengorupsi proyek tersebut.)
8. Reciprocal pronoun (each other, one another)
Pronouns used in circumstances where two or more subjects perform the same actions with one another .
Example :
They love each other.
(Mereka saling mencintai.)
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement :
a rapprochement between pronoun and antecedent in terms of number , person, and gender . What is the antecedent ? that is the word , phrase , or clause is replaced by a pronoun . This agreement is of course necessary if there are two of them in a sentence .
Example :
You should take off your shoes there. (Kamu harus melepas sepatumu di sana.) [antecedent,pronoun]
Expletive Pronoun (There & It) :
an " empty words " or words that do not add meaning , but it is useful to give emphasis on certain parts of a sentence . There / it be used together to form expletive verb construction .
Example :
There is no food in my house. (Tidak ada makanan di rumahku.)
It was easy to meet him. (Dulu mudah bertemu dengannya.)
Jumat, 18 Maret 2016
pengertian dan contoh dari subject,verb,complement dan modifier
I. Subject
The subject is a word or phrase that serves as actors, subjects, or causes of action. Generally subject position at the beginning of the sentence, but there is also a subject that is not at the beginning of the sentence. There are two kinds of subjects in the English language are:
A. Subject Simple
Simple subject is the subject that consists of a single subject. This could be a noun (noun), pronoun (pronoun), gerund, infinitive, and clauses. Example sentences for the five subjects this simple form you can see below.
1. The noun as a subject
* I write an article. [I wrote an article]
2. pronoun as subject
* She studies English with her children. [She is learning English with his children]
3. gerund as subject
* Writing in a coffee shop is one of my tactics to increase of my productivity. [Writing in the coffee shop is one of my tactics to increase my productivity.]
4. infinitive as subject
* To fly requires skill. [Fly requires skill.]
5. Clause as a subject
* What she said was valuable. [What he said helpful.]
B. Subject Combined
The combined subject is a subject that has more than one subject. Example sentences mengadung subject of this type is as follows:
* My wife and I can not Attend the workshop. [My wife and I could not attend the workshop.]
Ii. Verb
Verbs are a way of life
A verb, in the English language, is used to describe an action (talk), an event (crumble), or a state (rest).
Here is an example of verbs at work:
The dog will run to his owner and play in the park.
Both "run" and "play" are verbs, as they are things that the dog is doing.
Transitive and intransitive verbs
A transitive verb is used when someone does something to an object. This means that the sentence must have an object. For example, "Bobby finished his homework." In this sentence, Bobby, the subject, did something to his homework—he finished it. "Homework" is thus the direct object in the sentence. On the other hand, intransitive verbs don't require direct objects. For example, "Sandra will sleep until noon." The verb "sleep" has no object. Verbs of motion are further examples of intransitive verbs, e.g., "She ran" or "We drove."
There's no need to be tense about verbs
The proofreaders at Scribendi recognize 18 possible verb tenses. This may sound intimidating, but unless you're a linguist, you'll probably never even notice you're using them! The three tenses that are most commonly referred to are present, past, and future:
Present: I drink.
Past: I drank.
Future: I will drink.
A present tense verb is used to describe something you are currently doing. The past tense is used to describe something you have done, and the future tense denotes your intention to do something later.
It is important to use the correct tense when you are writing. If you are writing in the present tense, your verbs must reflect this.
If your narrative takes place in the past, you must use the past tense. Remember, when writing in the past tense, you must conjugate (modify) your verbs from present to past. This is seen in the example above. In the present tense, you drink, but in the past tense, you drank (drink has been conjugated, or modified, to reflect the past tense).
Irregular verbs
You may be wondering why, when drink moved from present to past tense, its spelling changed. This is due to one of the trickiest things in the English language: the irregular verb. There are more than 370 irregular verbs in modern English, most of which occur when a verb is conjugated into the past tense. An irregular verb is one that cannot be conjugated by adding –es, –ed, or –ing to it.
Here is an example of a regular verb compared with an irregular verb:
Regular Verb: "Laugh"
Irregular Verb: "Dig"
| ||
I laugh
I dig
I laughed
I dug
I will laugh
I will dig
As you can see, to conjugate the regular verb, our English proofreaders need only place an –ed at the end, leaving the word otherwise unchanged. To conjugate the irregular verb, however, we added nothing to the end, but rather changed the spelling of the original word. This concept is often difficult for native English speakers to comprehend, so one can only imagine the difficulties that English as a second language students must encounter! Common errors occur when students fail to recognize these special rules, resulting in incorrect verb usage, such as "I digged a hole!" or "I drinked all of my milk!"
III. Complement
Complement is a complement of the verb. It's like the subject is usually in the form of a noun or noun phrase. But, in general complement follow the verb form of the sentence when the sentence is active. And for the record, the sentence in the English language does not always need a complement. Then complement can not start with a preposition. The characteristics of complement is a complement, can answer the question of what or Whom. To be more clear please see the example below.
Bill bought a new car yesterday?
(What did Bill buy?)
Lian was reading a book.
(What was Lian reading?)
She wants to eat pizza.
(What does she want to eat?)
He saw Sarah at the restaurant last night.
(Whom did he see at the restaurant?)
Mr. Hiddle called Lampard yesterday.
(Whom did he see at the restaurant?)
She was making a cake.
(What was she making?)
IV. Modifier
Modifier is a word, phrase and clause in the English language that has a function as an adjective (adjective) or adverb (adverb) which explains another word or group of words. In English, the word or group of words that are known by the Head explained. Here's the explanation:
• Function as an adjective (can be as simple adjective, adjective phrase, clause, participle or infinitive): explains noun
• Function as an adverb (can be as simple adverb, adverb phrase, clause, prepositional phrase or infinitive): explain verb, adjective or another adverb.
Modifier appearing before the Head called the Premodifiers, while the modifier to appear after Head called the Postmodifiers. Below is an example of premodifiers and postmodifiers sentence with the word 'detective' as Head:
• Premodifiers
Hercule Poirot is a famous detective
• Postmodifiers
The detective with big glasses solves the most Baffling cases
1. As an adjective
• She found a chocolate put on my bag
'Put on my bag' (participial phrase) to function as an adjective that describes 'chocholate' (noun)
• The magazine that Rena has read is very interesting
'That Rena has read' (adjective clause) serves to explain 'the book' (noun)
2. As an adverb
• He plays the violin so beautifully
'So beautifully' (adverb phrase) serves to explain 'plays violin' (verb)
• When you went to the school, she Came
'When you went to the school' (adverb clause) answered the question "When did she come? '
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