Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

pengertian pronouns, jenis-jenisnya dan contohnya

Pronoun is a word used to replace the noun ( noun ), which can be a person , object , animal , place , or an abstract concept . Pronouns is one of the eight parts of speech .

Various Kinds Example Sentences Noun :

1.Personal pronoun  (I, you, they, we, she, he, it, us, her, his, them, mine, yours, its)

Pronoun for people , animals , objects, or things specifically . The form of the pronoun depending on the role (subject, object , possessive ) , the amount , the ke- , and gender of the noun that was replaced .
Example :
She prefers to brisk walk to jog.
(Dia lebih memilih jalan cepat daripada joging.)
Yours is on the table.
(Punyamu di atas meja.)

2. Demonstrative pronoun  (this, that, these, those)

Pronoun use parameter number ( quantity ) and distance ( distance ) .
Example :
This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
(Ini buku paling menarik yang saya pernah baca.)

3. Interrogative pronoun  (who, what, which, whose, whom, etc)

Pronouns are used to ask questions.
Example :
Who is that man?
(Siapa lelaki itu?)

4. Relative pronoun  (who, whose, which, whom, that, etc)

Pronouns are usually initiated relative clause .
Example :
The packet, which was sent a week ago, has received.
(Paket tersebut, yang dikirim seminggu lalu, telah diterima.)

5. Indefinite pronoun (anything, everything, none, someone, something, etc)

Pronoun for people, objects , or things in general or specific.
Example :
You did everything right.
(Kamu melakukan semuanya dengan benar.)

6. Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, itself, youselves, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves )

Pronouns are used to indicate that the subject receives the action of the verb ( reciprocal action) in a clause or sentence .
Example :
I‘m going to buy myself new jeans.
(Saya akan membeli celana jins.)

7. Intensive prounoun  (same with reflexive pronoun)

Pronouns are used to give emphasis on the noun that precedes it .
Example :
 I myself promise not to corrupt the project.
(Saya berjanji tidak akan mengorupsi proyek tersebut.)

8. Reciprocal pronoun  (each other, one another)

Pronouns used in circumstances where two or more subjects perform the same actions with one another .
Example :
They love each other.
(Mereka saling mencintai.)

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement :

a rapprochement between pronoun and antecedent in terms of number , person, and gender . What is the antecedent ? that is the word , phrase , or clause is replaced by a pronoun . This agreement is of course necessary if there are two of them in a sentence .
Example :
You should take off your shoes there. (Kamu harus melepas sepatumu di sana.) [antecedent,pronoun]

Expletive Pronoun (There & It) :

an " empty words " or words that do not add meaning , but it is useful to give emphasis on certain parts of a sentence . There / it be used together to form expletive verb construction .
Example :
There is no food in my house. (Tidak ada makanan di rumahku.)
It was easy to meet him. (Dulu mudah bertemu dengannya.)


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